Survey / Employee Opinions


Getting To The Realisation Of The Responsible Gambling Concept | Altenar On Data & Gambler Protection

Altenar’s 2022 Success With Insights From The Sportsbook Provider’s End-Of-Year All Hands Meeting

Altenar’s 2022 Success With Insights From The Sportsbook Provider’s End-Of-Year All Hands Meeting

The Importance Of Altenar Sponsoring Local Sports Events In The Isle of Man | With Comments From Manx CFO John Quaye

The Importance Of Altenar Sponsoring Local Sports Events In The Isle of Man | With Comments From Manx CFO John Quaye


Advancements In Technology - The Liability Dashboard Tool | An Important Milestone In Altenar’s Data Engineering Journey

The 2022 World Cup - Inside Altenar’s Trading Room With Dinos Stranomitis

The 2022 World Cup - Inside Altenar’s Trading Room With Dinos Stranomitis

Interviewing HR Manager Agnieszka Chowdhury

Interviewing HR Manager Agnieszka Chowdhury

Altenarian’s Comment On The Convergence Of Entertainment & Betting & The Popularity Of Fantasy Leagues And Esports | Altenar

Altenarian’s Comment On The Convergence Of Entertainment & Betting & The Popularity Of Fantasy Leagues And Esports | Altenar

 How A Socially Electrifying Global Event Enthralls Sports Betting Providers & The Effect Of Internal Competitions | Altenar 2

How A Socially Electrifying Global Event Enthralls Sports Betting Providers & The Effect Of Internal Competitions | Altenar

Betting Insights Into The 2022 World Cup With Altenar’s Regional Manager Francesco Papallo

Betting Insights Into The 2022 World Cup With Altenar’s Regional Manager Francesco Papallo

Introducing Antonino Barra: Altenar’s New Head Of Sales!

Introducing Antonino Barra: Altenar’s New Head Of Sales!

CFO John Quaye Interviewed On His Role, Accounting & The Benefits Of Being In The Isle Of Man and Altenar

CFO John Quaye Interviewed On His Role, Accounting & The Benefits Of Being In The Isle Of Man and Altenar

Altenar Becomes An ICAEW Training Employer! John Quaye Speaks On This Important Step

Altenar Becomes An ICAEW Training Employer! John Quaye Speaks On This Important Step